SyracuseCoE addresses global challenges by uniting research across three focus areas: indoor environmental quality, clean and renewable energy and water resources. At the forefront of groundbreaking clean technology research, SyracuseCoE has world-class R&D facilities with a high-performance, LEED–Platinum-designed “living laboratory” headquarters, and state-of-the-art partner labs.

Lab to market: SyracuseCoE connects academic and industry researchers to innovate products and technologies for the marketplace.

Funding help: SyracuseCoE works with collaborators to secure funding for environmental and energy research.

Strategic connections: SyracuseCoE catalyzes partnerships for large research projects by assembling advantageous, interdisciplinary teams.

ieq-icon-01Indoor Environmental Quality

COVID-19 spreads readily indoors, which has enormously increased interest in the engineering and architecture of the indoor environment. Beyond health issues, conditions inside buildings are associated with human performance, energy cost and availability, and ecosystem sustainability. SyracuseCoE researchers have been internationally recognized for advancements in education, funding, resources, research, demonstration and commercialization activities in indoor environmental quality (IEQ), as well as unique test facilities and an extensive portfolio of projects at firms and academic institutions. SyracuseCoE IEQ projects include designs for offices and schools that minimize airborne transmission of disease; sensors for IEQ parameters including COVID-19 virus; advanced filtration systems for removing IEQ contaminants; and understanding the impact of changes in IEQ on human health and performance, including asthma as well as communicable disease.

energy-icon-01Clean and Renewable Energy

SyracuseCoE and its Partners are pursuing multiple opportunities to produce energy in a more clean and renewable manner and to use that energy more efficiently. Example projects in this research area include systems engineering algorithms that analyze and facilitate deployment of a variety of energy generation and storage assets on the grid; design and engineering of distributed generation sources that connect to or supplement the grid; intelligent building ventilation systems that optimize energy usage and comfort for occupants; and development of forestry- and agriculture-based products that reduce environmental impacts and provide alternatives to existing petroleum based products.

water-icon-01Water Resources

The quality and security of water resources are critical issues across the Central Upstate New York region and around the world. With more than 20% of the world’s fresh water resources in our backyard, SyracuseCoE researchers have exceptional capabilities to analyze the complex dynamics of entire watersheds and to develop innovations that promote healthy ecosystems. The scope of SyracuseCoE water resources projects include research on quality and quantity of water resources including lakes, streams, rivers, and groundwater; drinking water supply and distribution systems; wastewater treatment systems; and watershed management including green infrastructure for storm water management, land use impacts, atmospheric deposition impacts, climate change, and invasive species.

Learn more about how SyracuseCoE supports students, faculty and industry research by checking out our Projects, Partner Program and Faculty Fellows Program.